“You need to know your why for doing something.”

Cedric Crumbley
1 min readAug 29, 2023

If you’re having a hard time thinking of what you want. Try coming up with things you don’t want. Sometimes that’s an easier list to come up with.

People like to say, “You need to know your why for doing something.” Your why refers to the underlying motivation, purpose, and reasons behind your actions and decisions.

A gentleman posed the question to me. He asked, “What’s your why for doing real estate?” He said my response is the best he’s heard.

My WHY ->. “I know what I don’t want. I don’t want to be in business 15 years still trying to figure out where my next deal is coming from.”

The goal is to put a strategy in place that lasts with a few minor tweaks. Operating from feast to famine is ludicrous.

Stumbled on being a showing agent and branching into apartment locating.

Trying to find a battle rhythm in real estate. So far noticed the following⬇️

Monday: slow

Tuesday: meh

Wednesday: a little ripple starts to take hold

Thursday: be ready to work

Friday: sometimes hot sometimes not

Saturday: it’s game time (busy day)

Sunday: come home from church ready to work – it’s on!

Anyhoo, that’s what’s going on in this neck of the woods. Keep swinging. Deuces ✌️



Cedric Crumbley

I’ll help you find an new construction homes in Houston, TX